Don't miss these important steps when preparing to install home security cameras.

Security cameras are one of the most important elements of a security system. Video surveillance cameras are a perfect complement to any home security system because they allow you to monitor your home whether you're there or somewhere else. Listed below are a few tips on how to properly install surveillance cameras.

First, you need to figure out which type of cameras you want, how many of them you'll need and what areas of your property you want covered. You have to choose between wired and wireless cameras.

install camera

Wired cameras tend to be harder to install than wireless ones, resulting in more expense for you. They're also a bit trickier to conceal. However, wired cameras beat their wireless counterparts when it comes to picture quality thanks to their stronger, steadier signals.

Other factors to keep in mind:

  • The feed could be interrupted by signals from other wireless devices you own.
  • Make sure your wireless signal is encrypted so you are protected from the prying eyes of neighbors or someone scoping your neighborhood.
  • Decide whether you want your camera to merely monitor an area, or if you want it to record data as well. You can capture video to a VCR. Or you can digitally capture it, and save all of your footage to a computer.

Once you've decided on which cameras to use, you're ready for installation. You'll need to figure out if you'll be doing the installation yourself, or if you'll require professional assistance.

Many of today's surveillance systems are simple enough for DIY installation. If you're installing the system yourself, make sure you follow the instructions carefully.

security camera

Security cameras

A certified electrician should install complicated surveillance systems. If you've got a system that's beyond your skill level, check with your security company for assistance. An incorrectly installed surveillance system could end up putting you and your home at risk.

Figure out exactly where you're going to place the cameras. You want to make sure that the distance from the camera to the subject is close enough for a clear image. You may want to place cameras in an area of your home that gets a lot of traffic, but you'll also probably want to place them in the less trafficked, more private areas of your home.

Important outdoor camera factors:

  • Position the camera lens in a position that will allow you to get a good, clear feed of the area being monitored.
  • A camera that moves or shakes will relay a distorted picture, so mount the camera to a firm surface where the camera remains still at all times.
  • If you place a surveillance camera outside, get a weather-resistant cover so as to not compromise the recording quality will during bad weather.

As you can see, one big thing to consider when installing your security system is to figure out if you'll be installing the security cameras. Once you check out security camera reviews and figure out how much surveillance prices will end up costing you, you can make your purchase decision and begin the installation.