Amana vs Tempstar AC prices, pros and cons
Before deciding on a Amana vs. Tempstar AC unit, spend some time researching price, features and warranties, and learn how to determine the type of unit you'll need.
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Before deciding between an Amana vs. Tempstar AC unit, spend some time researching price, features and warranties, and learn how to determine the type of unit you'll need.
Don't rely on an outdated system to make these decisions for you. Buying the same model you had in the past is rarely the best value. A good contractor can help by evaluating the characteristics of your home.
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Different features in your home impact the price of installation because they might call for a larger air conditioner, or repair or replacement of related equipment.
Make sure to get three or four estimates for the work before you hire a contractor to install air conditioner components or a new heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) unit. The time spent finding a competent technician will be well worth it.
When considering Amana vs. Tempstar AC equipment, it's important to look past the brand and check out the reputation of the manufacturer. Amana is made by Goodman Manufacturing, a reputable name in the HVAC industry. Tempstar units are made by International Comfort Products.
Although Amana is slightly less expensive, you'll really have to focus on features. Selecting the right unit often boils down to what's important to you.
Amana pros and cons
- Less expensive.
- ASX16 premium line comes with lifetime compressor guarantee.
- Ability to integrate air conditioners into smart home system.
- Many units very similar to Goodman AC products, but are more expensive.
Tempstar pros and cons
Units up to 19 seasonal energy-efficiency ratio (SEER) rating.
- Good basic and midrange warranty coverage.
- Two-stage air compressors covered by No Hassle Replacement warranty.
- Warranties on 13 SEER and premium units don't compete with industry standards.
Air conditioner prices
Pricing on AC units can be somewhat of a mystery. The only way to learn how much a unit costs is through a qualified HVAC professional. Once you've talked to three or four different contractors, you'll get a feel for the price of the unit your home will need.
However, you can get a rough estimate of the difference between prices for Amana vs. Tempstar AC systems by taking a look at the following models and their estimated costs before and after installation, including:
- Tempstar SmartComfort TXT+ $2,800 (contractor price).
- Amana ASXC18 $2,550 (contractor price).
- Tempstar SmartComfort TXC with Observer $2,300 (contractor price).
- Amana ASXC16 $1,800 (contractor price).
- Amana ASXC18 $3,600 (installed price).
Goodman is a trusted name in home heating and cooling, and the company brings that dedication to the Amana brand. Tempstar is well made too, and offers consumers impressive efficiency rates and additional features.
It might be difficult to choose between an Amana vs. Tempstar AC system based on anything but price, but before you do, it pays to ask a contractor for advice.