5 air condition unit mistakes to avoid
You can reduce the amount of energy you use during the summers by avoiding five common home-cooling mistakes with your air condition unit.
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For homes located in warm climates, an air condition unit tends to use more electricity than any other household device, being potentially responsible for up to 70 percent of your utility bill.
If you purchased a new AC unit and are getting ready to install it into your home, you can reduce the amount of energy you use during the summers by avoiding five common home-cooling mistakes.
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No. 1: Purchasing an oversized air conditioner
Before you purchase your new AC unit, research potential units and make sure you do not buy one that is too large for your home.
You may be inclined to purchase a large air conditioner, believing that it will cool your home faster. However, oversized HVAC systems will not properly reduce your home's humidity levels or retain uniform temperatures.
No. 2: Installing the air conditioner in the wrong location
When you are ready to install your air conditioner, make sure you install it in a shaded, well-ventilated area inside your home. Installing the air conditioning unit in a sunny area may decrease its ability to function efficiently and effectively.
Hiding your AC unit in an unventilated area, such as a closet, can cause its coils to clog up and might hinder the ventilation process.
No. 3: Running the air condition unit all day
Not only will running the air conditioning unit all day cause your electric bill to skyrocket, constantly running the AC will force it to run less efficiently.
If you want to come home to cool temperatures after work, purchase a programmable thermostat or individual unit timer to preset the air conditioner to turn on at a certain time.
No. 4: Ignoring regular maintenance
Even though your air conditioning unit may be self-sufficient, you should not ignore regular maintenance tasks, which can improve your AC unit's efficiency and extend its life.
Replace or clean the AC's filters at least once every two months. Clean out the evaporator coil annually. And regularly run a durable wire through the drain channels.
No. 5: Setting the temperature too low
Setting the temperature to a degree lower than what you desire will not make your home cooler any faster. The air condition unit will only pass the desired temperature and waste even more energy and money. If you want the temperature in your home to be 80 degrees, set the thermostat to that temperature.
Choosing to hire a contractor to install your air condition unit can help minimize the chances of you installing your new HVAC system in the wrong location. Requesting an air conditioner estimate can help you find affordable rates, keeping your overall cost low. If you are searching for the perfect air conditioner for your home, use Reply! to find a contractor who can answer all of your questions.
Photo credit: Alex E. Proimos via Compfight CC.